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На вооружение хирургов Уф НИИ ГБ поступило новейшее оборудование

27 March 2014, Thursday 00:00 Просмотров: 618

Since the beginning of 2014 adopted surgeons Ufa research Institute of eye diseases received modern equipment: Ophthalmic microsurgical system the Stellaris PC Vision Enhancement system (BAUSCH+LOMB) and surgical laser "LAKHTA-MILON" Touch screen - laser apparatus for resection and coagulation.

Stellaris.jpgThe newest system the Stellaris PC Vision Enhancement system (BAUSCH+LOMB) allows to carry out surgery on the anterior and posterior segment of the eye for cataract surgery (the ultrasonic phacoemulsification), hemophthalmus, retinal detachment, macular rupture, diabetic angioretinopathy, and other types of eye pathology.

Advantages :
Reduction of time of operation
Painlessness at the expense of the original forms of trocars
The minimum dimensions of the incisions ( 1.8 mm) not requiring sutures.
Reduction of postoperative rehabilitation of patients.

  • The Stellaris, created together with leading cataract surgeons, is a perfect combination of control of vacuum and ultrasound, providing exceptional safety, efficiency and ergonomics that facilitates all stages of phacoemulsification.
  • System the suction control Chamber creates a unique Stable hydrodynamics, providing exceptional camera stability.

- Continued stability of the camera, which makes the operation more predictable
The level of vacuum up to 600 mm of mercury.St. with a stable low flow. Whatensures the effective flow of MICS
- Option DigiFlow controls the pressure in the irrigation line for improved stability, IOP
The StableChamber tubing allow you to control the flow at high vacuum levels, preferably for the MICS

  • Effective dynamics of fragmentation and optimal cavitation enables rapid nucleus emulsification and evacuation lenticular masses.
  • Advanced ergonomic solutions give the system superior handling. Convenience and comfort in work.

- Wireless foot pedal with dual linear control of aspiration and ultrasound
- Touch high-resolution display with intuitive interface

lakhta1813.jpgSurgical laser "LAKHTA-MILON" Touch screen - laser apparatus for resection and coagulation. This unit allows the laser coagulation of the retina during vitreoretinal operations through small self-sealing micro-incisions of the sclera. (25G), thereby having minimal impact on the surrounding tissue.

The convenience and ease of operation:.
No additional work on putting the equipment into operation.
The machine is ready for operation immediately after switching on.
Air cooling.
Small dimensions and weight.
Low maintenance.

In the manufacture of devices used diodes and components of leading world manufacturers,