Methodical recommendations and manuals for doctors

the Order can be sent to: 
450008, Bashkortostan Republic , Ufa, Pushkina str, 90 
Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, 
tel/Fax: (347) 272-08-52 


1.      Bikbov M. M., Babushkin, A..E., Orenburkina O. I., Khusnitdinov I. I.,  Absalyamov M. S., O. V. Chaika. Differentiated approach to surgical treatment of primary open-angle and secondary glaucomas – Ufa, 2017. – 18 p. 
2.      Bikbov M. M., Babushkin, A..E., Murov L. H. Matyukhina E. N. Epidemiological parameters and clinical examination of patients with glaucoma in the Republic of Bashkortostan – Ufa 2017 – 21.
3.      Bikbov M. M., zainutdinova G. H., Faizullin A. S. Diagnostics and treatment of children with retinopathy of prematurity – Ufa, 2016. – 24 p.
4.      Bikbov M. M., Gil'manshin I T. R. Faizrakhmanov R. R., Gilyazova I. Intravitreally pharmacotherapy pathology Department, Central retinal venous occlusion – Ufa, 2015. – 14 p.
5.      Bikbov M. M., Faizrakhmanov R. R. Gil'manshin I Tr, Yarmuhamedova A. L., Gilyazova I. Morphological features and modern aspects of the treatment of the Central region of the retina in retinal vein thrombosis – Ufa, 2014. – 20 S.
6.      Diabetic retinopathy (2014)
7.      Morphological features and modern aspects of the treatment of the Central region of the retina thrombosis of retinal veins (2014)
8.      Assessment of functional vision;(2013) 
9.      antimonopolization the Impact of therapy on the state of the foveolar zone in diabetic macular edema (2013) 
10. The use of combination of systemic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and antioxidant therapy endogonaceae (2012)
11. Diagnosis of immune and hormonal disorders in patients with anterior uveitis  in rheumatic  diseases  (2012)
12. Combined treatment of patients with endogenous uveitis non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants (2012)
13. The treatment of wet form of age-related macular degeneration of the retina by the method of intravitreal injection of angiogenesis inhibitors and their complex application of peptide bioregulators (2012)
14. Interdisciplinary approach to early diagnosis of tumors of the chiasm-sellar region in patients with visual impairment (2011)
15. The organization and carrying out educational programs of ophthalmology in the outpatient environment for patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (2010)
16. Prediction of functional outcomes for children with cicatricial stage of retinopathy of prematurity (2010)
17. Rehabilitation of children with pathology of the lens in the Republic of Bashkortostan (2010) 
18. Carboangidraza inhibitors in the treatment of glaucoma (2010)
19. Prediction of the clinical course of inflammatory diseases of eye (2010)
20. Prostaglandin medications in the treatment of glaucoma (2010)
21. Complex treatment of refractive amblyopia (2009)
22. Secondary implantation of artificial lens in children: a method of intrascleral fixation of IOL in the absence of capsular support (2008)
23. Diagnostics and treatment of occlusive lesions of the retinal veins (2008)
24. Diagnosis and prognosis of rheumatic lesions of the eyes (2008)
25. Clinical aspects of the differential diagnosis of uveitis (2008)
26. Congenital dacryocystitis (diagnosis and treatment) (2008)
27. The prognosis of herpetic eye diseases (2007)
28. Ciprofloxacin in the treatment of ophthalmoplegia(2007)
29. Tactics removal of the luxated lens into the vitreous body (2007)
30. Implantation of IOL peresekaetsya "Ufalens-3" with the defects in the posterior capsule and zonular (2006)
31. Comprehensive treatment of primary glaucoma (2006)
32. Immunogenetic diagnostics of inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the eye (2006)
33. Study of hemodynamic parameters of blood vessels of the eye and orbit in children by ultrasonic duplex scanning (2006)
34. Transcanalicular laser endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with biodestruction drainage in the treatment of chronic purulent dacryocystitis (2006)
35. A constructive treatment of pseudotumor orbit based on Doppler and immunological indicators (2006)
36. The condition of interferon status as the rationale for the use of cycloferon in the treatment of patients with ophthalmic herpes (2005)
37. Cytomegalovirus chorioretinitis, not associated with HIV infection (2005)
38. Pharmacological correction of metabolic disorders in diabetic retinopathy (2005)
39. A method of treating glaucoma neovascular (2005)
40. Transcanalicular laser endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (2005)
41. A comprehensive treatment of computer vision syndrome (2005)
42. The work of an ophthalmologist's examination of persons in preduslova state (2005)
43. Circular bandage nylon tape with episcleral filling gelatin sponge and choroidal revascularization in the treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (2005) 
44. The role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis and diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the eye (2005)
45. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis and treatment of corneal conjunctival xerosis: the syndrome Shegrena (2005)
46. Indications, contraindications and features of primary IOL implantation in congenital cataract surgery in children younger (2004)
47. Surgery of blepharoptosis, complications and their prevention (2004)
48. Allergicheskie conjunctivitis (clinic, diagnostics and treatment) (2004)
49. The syndrome of "dry eye" (2004)
50. Repeated endoscopic cycloheterocumulenes (2004)
51. Comprehensive ultrasonic diagnostics of tumors and tumor-like formations of the orbit (2004)
52. Correction of refractive errors and keratoconus rigid gas permeable contact lenses (2004)
53. Glaucoma, combined with malformations of the anterior segment of the eye (2004)
54. Eye damage under echinococcosis (2003)
55. Morphological diagnostics of orbital neoplasms of different histogenesis (2003)
56. The clinical features of omeopatia (2003)
57. Ocular toxocariasis (2003)
58. Eye pathology helminthiasis (2003)
59. Cysticercosis of the eye (2003)
60. Indications for enzyme immunoassay in the diagnosis of ophthalmopathy (2003)
61. Chorioretinitis cytomegalovirus etiology: clinical features, diagnosis and treatment (2003)
62. The study of metabolism of glycosaminoglycans in diseases of the organ of vision (2003)
63. Features some of microelementoses in case of cataract among the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan (2003)
64. Antibiotic therapy of chlamydial infections of the eye (2003)
65. Secondary posterior chamber IOL implantation at high amblyopia due to unilateral congenital cataracts (2003)
66. 52. Clinical, electrophysiological and psychophysiological methods in the diagnosis of computer vision syndrome (2003)
67. Clinic and treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis (2003)
68. Front of herpetic uveitis (classification, clinic, diagnostics, treatment) (2003)
69. The use of a new enzyme preparation of collagenase in ophthalmic practice (2003)
70. Mycosis of the eye: clinical features, diagnosis, treatment of (2003)
71. Experience in the use of new enzyme preparations of collagenase in ophthalmic practice (2003)
72. The use of the drug wound healing action in the treatment of patients with injuries to the eye (2002)
73. Correction of astigmatism traumatic cataract extraction with implantation of posterior chamber IOLs "Opulens" (2002)
74. Tuberculosis of eye (2002)
75. Immunological diagnosis of tumors of the orbit and the eye (2002)
76. Modern possibilities and principles of radial diagnostics of space-occupying lesions of the orbit (2002)
77. Photomagnetism in the treatment of diseases of the eye (2002)
78. Functional methods of research used in ophthalmology (2002)
79. Cleaning and disinfection of contact lenses (2002)
80. Demodicosis eyes (2002)
81. Improving the effectiveness of outpatient monitoring of patients for open-angle glaucoma (2002)
82. Hypotensive therapy of glaucoma (2002)
83. Adenoviral conjunctivitis (2002)
84. Ophthalmic herpes (2002)
85. Primary autoplasty end-to-end defect removal of tumors of the upper eyelid (2001)
86. Complex ultrasound diagnosis of space-occupying lesions of the orbit (2001)
87. Angle-closure glaucoma (Topical problems of diagnostics and treatment) (2001)
88. Surgical correction of high myopia in children by the method of aspiration of the crystalline lens with implantation of a posterior chamber IOL (2001)
89. Correction of ametropia high degree in children (2001)
90. Immune and hormonal status of patients with herpetic keratitis and correction of change (2001)
91. Prevention and treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis in adults (2001)
92. The diagnostic value of laboratory studies in ophthalmophobia and parasitic diseases of the eye (2001)
93. Ultraviolet irradiation of autologous blood in treatment of traumatic uveitis and endophthalmitis (2001)
94. Intralamellar keratopathy autologous blood and a suspension of hydrocortisone in the treatment of endothelial-epithelial dystrophy of the cornea (2001)
95. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of chlamydial conjunctivitis (2000)
96. Microendoscopes cycloheterocumulenes (2000)
97. The use of vibroprotection in ophthalmology (2000)
98. Methods of rehabilitation of blindness and vision disorders after surgical treatment of congenital cataract (2000)

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