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  4. "East – West" Scientific-practical conference on ophthalmosurgery with international participation

"East – West" Scientific-practical conference on ophthalmosurgery with international participation

11 July 2012, Wednesday 00:00 Просмотров: 824

East West

Scientific-practical conference on ophthalmosurgery with international participation

7-8 June 2012, Ufa

In the Business center "Congress hall" of the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, was held the conference "East – West" dedicated to the 85th anniversary since the founding of the GBU "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases". The conference was attended by over 500 delegates, including representatives from Austria, great Britain, Germany, India, Japan and Pakistan.


The agenda of the event consisted of 7 sessions: "Diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma", "Pathology of the cornea and refractive surgery", "Treatment of diseases of the retina and optic nerve, Trauma and inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision", "Actual problems of ophthalmology", "cataract Surgery, IOL implantation", "Children ophthalmopathology". In addition, was held international courses in vitreoretinal surgery, satellite symposia, session "live surgery". The conference was attended by students, postgraduates, young scientists and guests from near and far abroad. Each of them was given the opportunity of publishing their research in poster presentations and discuss their scientific session of young scientists.In the framework of the conference there were presentations of the best session reports.


align="justify">the opening ceremony of the conference took part: Deputy Prime Minister of the Government RB, F. A. Yamaltdinov; the Minister of health of RBG. A. Shabaev; Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor R. V. Kunakova; corresponding member of RAMS, Professor V. M. Timerbulatov, Director of GBU "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases", Professor M. M. Bikbov.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Government RB Fidus Aglyamovich of Yamaltdinov heartily congratulated all participants with the beginning of the conference and read out a welcome address of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov. The telegram stated: "the forum is important for the entire scientific community. It is authoritative platform for in-depth discussion of topical issues of modern medical science, enhance its role in the development of national health care. It is remarkable that this scientific forum with international participation held in commemoration of the 85th anniversary of one of the oldest ophthalmological institutions in the country – Ufa research Institute of eye diseases... Achieve Ufa ophthalmologists are known far outside the Republic. Clinical development has earned recognition of colleagues and patients. Today the Institute is a dynamic research institution. Strong clinical base, modern operating, the advanced technological equipment allows the institution to develop and implement their own technologies and treatments".

By the decree of President RB the title of "Honored doctor of Republic of Bashkortostan" has the chief physician Ufrii eye diseases Zuleyha the R. Marvanova zaveduyuschego 1st microsurgery Department of Mindulle the Sharafutdinovich Absaljamov. The title "Honored worker of health of the Republic of Bashkortostan" has Panosovna Gulnara Sabitova and Lyalya Kamzinovna Ibatoulline – operative nurses operating unit.

The plenary session was opened by the doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Mukharram Bikbov Muharemovic. In the report "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases − 85" the Professor told about the mainstages of the development agencies on best traditions of Russian ophthalmology, laid down by the founders of the Institute. Today these traditions multiplied by the employees of SBI "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases".

Congratulations to the Institute was made by academician of RAMS, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor E. S. Avetisov ("eye diseases '" RAMS), in particular, he said, "We support Ufrii eye diseases, close contacts, and for good reason: among research institutions in Russia, only two are academic, we are also included in the system of RAMS. The first Director of your Institute was Professor Odintsov, at the same time he headed the Department of eye diseases at the First Moscow medical Institute with which we work together, and the clinic of the Department of eye diseases for a long time bore his name. Their first steps our Institute was doing in this hospital, then the hospital merged with the Institute, so that we have common roots. We are your younger brother, as next year we will be only 40 years"...

From Moscow's leading eye care institutions Institute congratulated M. D. N. With. Khodzhaev (fgbu "IRTC "eye microsurgery" them. Acad. S. N. Fedorov"), M. D. O. A. Kiseleva (fsbi "research Institute of eye diseases. Helmholtz").

In the plenary session were made by academician of RAMS, MD, Professor E. S. Avetisov. He raised the serious problem of diseases of the lens and violations of hydrodynamics. In his report Sergey Eduardovich outlined common approaches to solving the problem. The conference participants listened with interest to the reports of foreign scientists. Professor Claoue C. (UK), honorary Professor of the GBU "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases", delivered a lecture on "IOL Options for supplement use". A Professor from India, L. V. K. Raju presented to the audience a report on "Vitrector, a versatile tool", a Professor from Austria A. Daxer – "The corneal Pocket concept for Corneal & Refractive surgery".

The work program began with a broadcast demonstration operations. The meeting was held by the moderator of "live surgery" ProfessorEkgardt V. F.. Implantation of additional pseudophakic the Sulcoflex IOL (Rayner) was performed by the surgeon I. I. Khusnitdinov. The operation was performed on surgical Assistant system Minimal Stress (Opticon). Session company "Alkon" was conducted by the Professor V. N. Trubilin, who performed the IOL implantation AсrySoft IQ Restor Toric using surgical system is the Infinity Vision System Ozil. Fakinou AcrySoft Cachet IOL implanted A.V. Orlov (Izhevsk), and the operation of phacoemulsification MICS (22G) with implantation of an aspheric IOL Akreos M (Bausch+Lomb) was performed by the surgeon from Germany R. Korff. All operations were performed at a high level. Session "live surgery" was concluded with a discussion of the operations during which surgeons were asked numerous questions.

International training courses on vitreoretinal surgery, age-related macular degeneration and ophthalmic manifestations of diabetes, which was conducted jointly with the University of Mannheim Heidelberg (Germany), opened the scientific program of the first day of the conference. Were greeted by MD, Professor Bikbov. "This is not our first meeting, I want to say a huge thank you to our guests, now friends, and personally, Ingrid Kreissig. The first courses were organized in 2008. This year we will hold the third course. They are of great interest, judging by the number of listeners who have gathered here. These courses are interesting, especially the team, it is the world-famous Professor, is a leading expert on diseases of the retina and vitreous. Everything that we learn on the courses is the latest, most current information. I want to thank all of the speakers. We have two days of very hard work, good luck". A reply was made by Professor I. Kreissig: "We already third visit to Ufa, and we come to our friends. I hope that our joint work will continue and you will come for training in other countries. I want to thank you for coming to Ufa in this beautiful institution, in the days of the jubilee."

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The main topics of the lectures: "Diagnosis of retinal detachment", "Cerclage with drainage", "retinal Detachment pair eye", "Minimal scleral filling with ballinrobe", "Minimal scleral filling with sponge", "Diabetes, Intraocular surgery with the use of gas", "Primary vitrectomy". The first and second days of the course ended with a demonstration of clinical cases of retinal detachment. It is noteworthy that the scientific program consisted mainly of presentations of foreign lecturers who are members of the international team of experts: S. Mennel (Austria), I. Kreissig, D. Schmidt (Germany) and S. Yamamoto (Japan). The discussion on presented reports continued in the format of "talk show". The discussion was emotional and highly commendable.


During the solemn ceremony dedicated to the anniversary of the Institute, for his great personal contribution and significant progress in improving the educational process, scientific activity for the benefit of the Institute, Professor Ingrid Kreissig (Germany) was awarded the title "honorary Professor of the GBU "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases".

In the session "Diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma" in the Bureau took part N. And. Kuryshev, S. A. Petrov, D. B. Abdrahimova.

align="justify">the Reports presented by participants, covered a wide range of problems of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. Analytical reports aroused great interest of the audience. In the report of the S. A. Petrova (Tyumen), "the Role of intercellular interaction mediators in primary glaucoma in combination with arterial hypertension", based on the available reliable information, primary glaucoma can be interpreted as a multifactorial chronic noninflammatory disease with a threshold effect and poorly understood pathogenesis, characterized by progressive degeneration in the structures of the eyeball and optic nerve, progressive disorder of the regulation of intraocular pressure and the steady decline of visual functions. The author of the report stressed that hypertension and POAG share common pathological processes involving, on the one hand, dysfunction of vascular endothelium, and on the other degenerative changes of the endothelium of the cornea. According to the authors of the study, similar changes in endothelial cells may involve the functional state of the immune system, in particular with the levels of serum IL-4 and IL-8.

The report of D. B. Abdrakhimova "New results of the screening for glaucoma in the framework of the State program "Salamatty Kazakhstan" was named the best report of the session. The author has brought the results of the screening for glaucoma in 2011. We examined 1806876 (94,8%) patients, of them 21478 (1,19%) with elevated IOP, glaucoma first identified from 4469 persons (0,25%) of number examined. For the first quarter of 2012 were examined 323900 people newly diagnosed glaucoma in 823 patients. The author of the report, outlined the strategy Kaznii GB: the essential map of the glaucomatous patient (Annex to the existing form No. 30u); you need to create a register of patients with glaucoma (regional level); should decide the question of payment of travelling expenses of patients with suspected glaucoma from primary health care in district and regional centers; it is desired to remove regional telemedicine installation on Kaznii GB; you must resolve the issue of payment of telecommunication connections in the regions; provide a clear information system screening.

With great interest washeard the report of O. A. Babalawos (Chelyabinsk). The purpose of the study the authors formulated the following way − definition of adaptive behavioral strategies for patients with glaucoma at different stages of the disease.

Session "Trauma and inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision" was chaired by R. Korff (Germany), M. G. Kataeva, V. B. Mal'hanova, A. N. Amirov and N.. Ermakova.

E. A. Drozdova et al (Chelyabinsk) studied clinical and diagnostic features of the fracture of the medial wall of the orbit. Methods of clinical diagnosis and radiography fracture of the medial wall of the orbit was diagnosed in 63% of patients; SKT-study allowed to define the scope and prevalence of fracture of the medial wall of the orbit in 96% of patients; the CT with contrast SNP with a mixture of contrast agent made it possible to identify the lacrimal SAC from the bone fragments, hyperostosis and to determine the area of obstruction NSP.


E. B. Aladinsky co-authors (Ekaterinburg) suggested that the results of the study, which have practical value and can be used in the work of doctors ophthalmotraumatology center. The proposed method of surgical treatment of extensive damage to the sclera facilitates the PHO and provides better sealing of scleral wound, minimizes complications and the development of atrophy of the eyeball and stores it for future optical-reconstructive operations.

O. I. Burenina (co-authors: A. V. Kolesnikov and V. A. Sulkin, Ryazan) made a report "the Clinical picture of experimental staphylococcal purulent ulcers of the cornea". The researchers reproduced the experiment model of staphylococcal purulent ulcers of the cornea and describe its clinical and histological picture. Presents a model of staphylococcal purulent corneal ulcers, according to the authors, isadequate for experimental studies or for the introduction into clinical practice of a new bi-directional medicines for the treatment of purulent corneal ulcers. This work was performed under grant of the President of the Russian Federation.

At the session "Treatment of diseases of the retina and optic nerve" under the chairmanship of E. V. Boyko, T. N. Kiseleva, E. I. Panova, V. S. Stebnev 15 reports were submitted. Very interesting experimental work was presented by A. V. Kolesnikov, O. I. Baranyai and Shulkina A.V. (Ryazan) - "Photoinduction thrombosis of retinal vessels in the experiment". On behalf of the organizing Committee of the Rapporteur, O. I. Baranyai was awarded a diploma for the best report of the session.

With great interest was heard the report of A. A. Rapoport (Yekaterinburg) on intravitreal gas with the ineffectiveness of sealing scleral treatment of retinal detachment.

Working session "Topical issues of ophthalmology" was headed by co-chairmen: R. A. Aznabaev, T. S. Agayev, A. E. Babushkin, Yu. V. Kudryavtsev. Extensive topics section covered diverse issues concerning the experience of outpatient cataract surgery in public health institutions and the problems of disability for glaucoma in the Ryazan region. During the session they discussed issues of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of choroidal melanoma, focused on the state of lymphocirculation conjunctival eye shell with diabetes. A. A. Ryabtsev and P. M. Yugay (Moscow) shared their experience of using the intraocular lens Acrysof MA60AC for the correction of aphakia in pseudoexfoliative syndrome. About the new experimental method of determining activatory properties of the solution of alumina reported T. S. Agayev (Baku).

The second day of the conference, as well as the first day began with a broadcast demonstration operations. Surgeons K. B. Pershin and V. N. Trubilin masterfully performed surgery phacoemulsification through an incision of 1.8 mm. Professor Pershin implanted aspheric IOL Akreos M160 surgical Stellaris Vision Enhancement System (Bausch+Lomb). And Professor Trubilin – aspheric IOLTecnis the I-Piece on surgical White Star Signature system (Abbott Medical Optics).

Session of the second day of the conference "cataract Surgery. IOL implantation" was headed by co-chairmen: A. G. Grinev, A. D. Chuprov, I. E. Iosin, O. V. Shilovsky.


Best were the report of the Y. I. Pirogov (St Petersburg) "the Impact of optical and biometric parameters of the eye on the accuracy of the calculation of the IOL to emmetropia". The aim of this work is a comparative analysis of the depth of the anterior chamber obtained with instruments that use different principles of measurement; identify how to assess the reliability of measurements of GIC in the device Orbscan.

Session "Pediatric ophthalmopathology" (co-chairs: M. T. Aznabaev, tn. Vorontsov, I. S. Zaidullin, I. G. Trifanenkova, p. P. Skripec) addressed the challenges of helping premature babies. M. A. Karyakin (Ekaterinburg) proposed an algorithm for surgical care to patients with stages IV and V retinopathy of prematurity, which operates in the Sverdlovsk region.

The best session was voted the report on "long-term results autosomally transplantation in children with leukomas of burn etiology" (speaker - Kugusheva A. E., co - authors- R. A. Gundorova, P. V. Makarov, D. Danilov, Moscow). I. G. Trifanenkova of the Kaluga branch of the fgbi "IRTC "eye microsurgery" them. Acad. S. N. Fedorov" told about the implementation of an integrated approach in providing eye care to premature babies in the Central region of Russia. P. p. Skripac (Moscow) in his report presented the features of antibacterial therapy in the preoperative and postoperative periods in children.

The conference was dominated by the working atmosphere, the students actively participated in the discussions. The conference demonstrated a new innovativethe approaches to the problems of ophthalmology. Reports of employees of SBI "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases" showed that the Institute successfully continues development of new fields of research in ophthalmology. Young scientists and doctors of the Institute very interesting and creatively expressed themselves not only in scientific meetings but also set a positive mood on the sidelines of the conference. Was organized photographing people dressed in national costumes surrounded by Bashkir beauties. Raptures called dance flash mob (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yTcSijipig&feature=related) during the break between sections. The atmosphere of celebration and fun at the Banquet, created not only by the efforts of professional artists, but also Amateur artists is the youth Institute (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlCsvSBXQBE&feature=youtu.be).

The conference ended with a Banquet, during which the monitor was shown an impressive slide show of the conference. The participants once again experienced the events of the past. Festive concert with participation of folk ensemble "Miras" has not left indifferent anybody. For conference guests who first visited Ufa, excursion to historical places of the city. I want to Express my sincere admiration for the kindness and companionship that prevailed during the conference. The hosts were sincerely friendly and welcoming to his guests that day – a rarity.

The material was prepared by Larisa TUMAR

©Field of view 2012