The staff of the Institute participated in the XII Scientific-practical conference "Modern technologies in vitreoretinal pathology treatment" on March 20-21, 2014

The employees of the Institute Deputy Director for scientific and production work, d.b.N. Shevchuk N. E. and head. the Department of vitreoretinal and laser surgery, MD Faizrakhmanov R. R. participated in the work of the XII Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Modern technologies in vitreoretinal pathology treatment". The conference was held at the fgbi "IRTC "eye microsurgery" them. Acad. S. N. Fedorov" on March 20-21, 2014
The conference was held in plenary session in parallel in several rooms with the participation of specialists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Italy. During plenary sessions participants discussed urgent issues of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the retina and vitreous. Great interest was aroused by the "live surgery". Traditionally, in the framework of the conference an exhibition of medical equipment and products of pharmaceutical companies.
Institute staff presented 2 oral report on the session "Pathophysiological and immunological aspects of vascular diseases of the retina". So, Shevchuk N. E. made a report from a group of authors (M. M. Bikbov, N. Shevchuk.E. Faizrakhmanov R. R.) on the topic "Immunological parameters moisture of the anterior chamber in patients with wet age-related macular degeneration". R. R. fayzrakhmanov also from a group of authors (Bikbov M. M., Faizrakhmanov R. R. Gil'manshin I Tr, Yarmuhamedova A. L.) gave a presentation on the topic "changes in the Central section of the retina in the formation of active fibrovascular membrane when using anti-VEGF therapy." Our reports aroused great interest among the audience, who askedquestions and participated in the discussion.
During meetings N. E. Shevchuk, Deputy Director on scientific work, Professor B. E. by Malygina the sides discussed issues of further cooperation of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases and IRTC "eye microsurgery".