The sun loves us! Myopia Awareness Week
26 May 2022, Thursday 06:47
Просмотров: 578
4 races were held in different age groups:
1st group - primary school age;
2nd group - senior school age;
3rd group - 14 years and older (including adults);
4th group was a symbolic race for the staff of the institute

Winners among the runners of the first three age groups were awarded with valuable prizes. All participants got a certificate and a badge with the event symbol. Everyone who took part in the race had an opportunity to get a free eye exam in the mobile ophthalmology unit. Entertainers helped the staff to organize a marvelous, dynamic and inspirational festival for the kids. The whole event was covered by regional TV companies.

On May 22, as part of the ‘Myopia Awareness Week’ (May 23 - May 28) announced by the The Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI), Ufa Eye Research Institute (Ufa, Russia) held a sports event under the slogan “The sun loves us!” for patients, children and adolescents with myopia and their parents. The purpose of the event is to bring attention to the increasing number of myopia cases in children.
4 races were held in different age groups:
1st group - primary school age;
2nd group - senior school age;
3rd group - 14 years and older (including adults);
4th group was a symbolic race for the staff of the institute
Winners among the runners of the first three age groups were awarded with valuable prizes. All participants got a certificate and a badge with the event symbol. Everyone who took part in the race had an opportunity to get a free eye exam in the mobile ophthalmology unit. Entertainers helped the staff to organize a marvelous, dynamic and inspirational festival for the kids. The whole event was covered by regional TV companies.