Ophthalmology. Pharmacotherapy without errors. A guide for physicians // Astakhov S. Yu., Nikolaenko V. P. in 2016. - 648 p.
A series of "Treatment" dedicated to one of the most pressing problems faced by the physician in daily practice.
The choice of optimum tactics of treatment even in the presence of the international recommendations for therapy of specific diseases is challenging, and treatment of the patient requires an individual approach considering the peculiarities of the disease, presence of concomitant pathology, patient age, and other factors. That is why even the formal observance of standards and adherence to current guidelines is not always possible to prescribe optimal therapy. In addition, when treatment often made the typical mistakes.
In "Ophthalmology. Pharmacotherapy without error" given rational scheme of treatment recommended by foreign and domestic professional societies. Current treatment regimens are combined with descriptions of the drugs, the analysis of the most common mistakes and ways of their prevention and correction. Separate sections of the book devoted to the treatment of glaucoma and eye infections, the use of generic drugs and conducting clinical trials.
The guide is intended for ophthalmologists, General practitioners and graduate students, residents, interns and senior students of medical universities. A short tutorial will be for the doctor indispensable due to the sleek structure of presentation and convenient "navigation".