Herpetic eye disease: Clinic. Diagnosis. Treatment.- Ufa: Gil, Back. ENCYCLOPAEDIA., 2016. - 167 S. / M. M. Bikbov, N. Shevchuk.E. Malhanov V. B., G. H. Zainutdinova
Bikbov M. M., Shevchuk N. E. Malhanov V. B., G. H. Zainutdinova
Herpetic eye disease: Clinic. Diagnosis. Treatment.- Ufa: Gil, Back. ENCYCLOPAEDIA., 2016. - 167 p
Abstract: the book highlights significant aspects of the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory diagnosis and treatment of various clinical forms of ophthalmic herpes. Material of the monograph contains the results of many years of personal clinical and experimental studies and data analysis of the scientific literature. Discusses in detail current approaches to the prevention of recurrence of this disease. The book is illustrated with author's drawings and tables. It is recommended to ophthalmologists, medical residents, interns, medical students.