1. Science
  2. Scientific and technical library
  3. Monographs and collections of scientific works
  4. Laser dacryocystorhinostomy / Aznabaev M. T. Aznabaev B. M., B. T. Fattakhov, R. R. Claflin // Ufa, 2005. – 152 p.: ill.

Laser dacryocystorhinostomy / Aznabaev M. T. Aznabaev B. M., B. T. Fattakhov, R. R. Claflin // Ufa, 2005. – 152 p.: ill.

Laser dacryocystorhinostomy / Aznabaev M. T. Aznabaev B. M., B. T. Fattakhov, R. R. Claflin // Ufa, 2005. – 152 p.: ill.

Presented for the first time a book devoted to laser techniques in the treatment of reprodepot the lacrimal drainage system. Proposed transcanalicular modern laser methods of treatment of chronic dacryocystitis, the advantages of the new technology. Considers the questions of clinical anatomy of the lacrimal organs, including functional and instrumentalnye research methods, presents a brief history of the development of surgery dacryocystitis.

The book is intended for practitioners-ophthalmologists, ENT-specialists, students of institutes of improvement of doctors, interns and medical students.