
"East-West - 2015", 21-22 may 2015 Dear colleagues! We invite You to take part in the scientific-practical conference with international participation on ophthalmosurgery "East-West - 2015"
March 27, 2015 regular meeting of the Bashkir regional branch of the Society of ophthalmologists of Russia, regional branch in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Interregional public organization "Association of ophthalmologists".
THE PROGRAM OF THE CONFERENCE. Current issues in the treatment of glaucoma, 27 March 2015, UF research Institute GB, 14 St. Aurora, meeting room
Participation in the II all-Russia with international participation of the XIII scientific session of young scientists and students "Modern solutions of actual scientific problems in medicine."
The participation of a delegation UF NII GB in the scientific-practical conference "Modern technologies in vitreoretinal pathology treatment"