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  1. History of the Institute
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  3. News: Conference
  4. Participation in IX RUSSIAN NATIONAL OPHTHALMOLOGICAL FORUM, Moscow, 12 - 14 October 2016

Participation in IX RUSSIAN NATIONAL OPHTHALMOLOGICAL FORUM, Moscow, 12 - 14 October 2016

14 October 2016, Friday 00:00 Просмотров: 808

12 - 14 October 2016 in Moscow was held a scientific-practical conference with international participation "IX RUSSIAN NATIONAL OPHTHALMOLOGICAL FORUM".

The conference consisted of plenary sessions, which discussed pressing issues of ophthalmology: modern approaches to pharmacological and surgical treatment of disabling diseases of the eye, inflammatory eye disease, new approaches to diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, laser technology in the diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmological diseases, etc. Interest satellite symposia of manufacturers of ophthalmic equipment and products, medicines, presented at the ophthalmic market. Also in the framework of the conference the Symposium the who "Universal access to eye health: "Prevention of blindness due to eye injuries", issues which are actively discussed by participants of the conference.

Director of the Institute Professor Bikbov M. M. gave the keynote presentation "the Concept of a corneal pocket in the surgical treatment of ectasy" in the section devoted to modern approaches to pharmacological and surgical treatment of disabling eye diseases. Corneal disease is a leading position in a number of severe eye diseases, in connection with the performance of our doctors actively treating patients with this pathology, is always expected by participants and are on the agenda for each Symposium.