Written request

the Order of work with written references of citizens

  1. the processing of applications, appeals of citizens, institutions, organizations, enterprises, social legal issues is being undertaken separately from the General office.
  2. the
  3. All requests entering the institution are registered on the day of receipt. Records of all calls received is maintained in the electronic document management System "Delo". When filling out the registration card must indicate:
    • in the column "Number" is affixed sequence number;
    • the
    • in the column "date of receipt" shall bear the date of acquisition and registration;
    • the
    • in the graph "Correspondent", the surname, name, patronymic and the address to send the response to treatment;
    • the
    • in the "summary" summarizes the treatment;
    • the
    • under "Resolution" shall be signed (with printed names) of the official (or his assistant), received an appeal for consideration and response;
    • the
    • registration card is placed on the control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation terms.
  4. the
  5. In a written statement in the lower right corner of the first sheet stamped with registration that indicates registration number and date. At the request of the requesting citizen to copy or the second copy of the adopted treatment is marked with the number, the date of admission of the appeal, signatures (with printed names) received treatment worker PAROLE agencies.
  6. the
  7. Received complaints reported to management on the day of their receipt.
    The complaints of citizens that do not require a report to the University, are sent for execution in structural divisions. Heads of structural departments of the institution provide prompt consideration of appeals and transfer to the contractor on the day of receipt, and monitor quality performance.
    If the appeal is sent to several executors, the person specified in the resolution first, is the responsible executor, who is obliged to acquaint it with all the other promptly (on the day of receipt of the document) and arrange in the specified period his performance.
  8. the
  9. Written request received by the institution, shall be considered within 30 days from the date of registration. In exceptional cases, the institution may extend the period of consideration of the appeal not more than 30 days, having notified on prolongation of term of its consideration of the citizen making the appeal.
  10. the
  11. Response to an appeal signed by the Director or by an authorised person.
  12. the
  13. check the responses to the complaints of the citizen and formation of the cases is the employees PAROLE agencies. When checking the response to the applicant, the letter shall bear a registration number. Registration number of the response to the address code consists of structural units responsible for the execution of circulation, sequence number, date.
  14. the
  15. reply to the appeal received by the institution in the form of the electronic document is sent in electronic form via the email address specified in circulation, or in writing at the mailing address specified in circulation.
  16. the
  17. Oral treatment of citizens (personal reception) the University is the Manager and authorized persons. Information on the location and on set for the reception days and hours are communicated to the citizens.
    • At personal reception the citizen shows the document proving his identity.
    • the
    • the content of the verbal request is recorded by the Secretary of the head in a card of personal reception of the citizen. In the case presented in the oral appeal facts and circumstances are obvious and do not require additional testing, response to treatment with the consent of the citizen can be given orally during personal reception about what entry is made in a card of personal reception of the citizen. In other cases, is given a written answer in essence delivered in circulation issues.
    • the
    • the Written appeal, accepted during personal reception, is subject to registration and consideration in the order established by the Russian legislation.
    • the
    • In the case that the appeal contains questions whose solution is not within the competence of institutional leadership, the citizen is explained, where and in what order they should go.
    • the
    • In the course of personal reception to the citizen can be refused the further consideration of the appeal if he had previously been given the answer in essence delivered in circulation issues.
  18. the
  19. control over the timely and full consideration of applications is carried out by the head of the office of document management companies.