A comprehensive treatment of the uveitis and autoimmune eye diseases with the use of extracorporal hemocorrection / O. B. Chentsova., A. V. Kildushevsky, 2014. - 106 p.

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Main chapters: Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnostics, immunological methods, potovalne complications and complex treatment of uveitis. Methods of extracorporeal hemocorrection. Autoimmune diseases of the eye. Pathogenesis, clinical description of patients and methods of extracorporal hemocorrection. Treatment of autoimmune eye diseases and uveitis treated with different methods of extracorporal hemocorrection. Extracorporal hemocorrection in the treatment of autoimmun's eye diseases in children.
In the monograph the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, modern medical, laser and surgical treatments.