Primary retinal detachment. Treatment options / ed. by I. Kreissig; TRANS. from English. A. B. In.; Prep. to the publ. G. M. Bikbova; Under the General editorship of M. M. Bikbov:. - M.
Primary retinal detachment. Treatment options / ed. by I. Kreissig; TRANS. from English. A. B. In.; Prep. to the publ. G. M. Bikbova; Under the General editorship of M. M. Bikbov:. - M.: Publishing house "Ophthalmology", 2012 - 256, 55 Il., 20 table.
This informative volume is a guide for the modern vitreoretinal surgeon.
Experts in the field of retinal and vitreous surgery describe the surgical technique four primary operations used in the early twenty-first century: cerclage with drainage, primaryindex, primary vitrectomy, and minimal segmental filling without drainage.
The advantages and disadvantages of each method are evaluated and compared with respect to patient selection, the frequency of adhesion after one surgery okonchatelnyj frequency fit, complications, visual function, and value.
In this work also shows how modern additional pharmacotherapy is used to improve surgical and funktsionalnogo outcome of these operations. Discusses the new imaging techniques such as ballistic imaging and wide angle pseudo color scanning laser ophthalmoscopy and antiproliferative medications, and provides an overview of the future.
Ophthalmologists specializing in Reinaldo and vitreous surgery, and students, interns and clinical residents will find in this book the necessary information for diagnosis and treatment of primary retinal detachment.
style="text-align: justify;"> The contents
Chapter 1. History of surgery for retinal detachment
Chapter 2. Prevention pair eye during primary retinal detachment: what not to do and what to do
Chapter 3. Cerclage with drainage for primary retinal detachment
Chapter 4. Pnevmotechnika in primary retinal detachment
Chapter 5. Vitrectomy as the primary surgery for retinal detachment
Chapter 6. Minimal segmental sponge and sealing the container during primary retinal detachment
Chapter 7. Pharmacological approaches to improve surgical outcomes of operations for retinal detachment.
Chapter 8. A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of surgery for primary retinal detachment
Chapter 9. Treatment of primary retinal detachment: the present state of the question, and how it all began?
Chapter 10. The treatment of retinal detachment: a look into the future
Key words: retina, vitreoretinal surgery, vitrectomy, surgical treatment of retinal detachment, retinopexy, intraocular tamponade, vitreoretinopathy.
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