F. Anna
Thank you Lily for Ilosone how it works! For her approach, kindness
and, of course, professionalism! I met this wonderful doctor in the
fall of 2016 for a further selection of hard lenses, it not only
qualitatively picked up my lenses, but advised me in the future on all
questions by phone or email. Nice when you can ask a question and know
that you will answer, will help you understand. And in the spring of
2017 Lilia Ilysova did my surgery and very carefully watched me the
whole postoperative period. Thanks for such a procedure, thanks for
the research Institute makes such operations and find ways of
treatment of rare eye diseases. I have a rare disease keratoconus,
which we have in Magnitogorsk not even all the ophthalmologists I
know! And yet, after much clarification of diagnosis I was faced with
the despair and not knowing where to go, what to do... Addressed the
Ufa research Institute of eye diseases and immediately calmed down as
realized that here I was in good hands! I have left a lasting
impression on the doctors from the equipment, from how everything is
harmoniously, honed and clearly works, ranging from security guards
and cleaners, ending with the surgeons and doctors! I advise all of
the Ufa scientific research Institute, I am delighted with the level
of professionalism. I will always remember with warmth in my soul the
whole Institute, and especially Lily Ilosone! =)
Bulat Shakirov Rafailovich Dyurtyuli
A big thank you to all the doctors, surgeons for their hard, but noble
work. Wish more success, less complex diagnoses, new degrees, take
care of your health. A big thank you to all the staff of the fourth
floor of the HO that the Aurora 14. Special thanks to all the girls
surgical unit. They are real sisters, as sisters, thank you for your
patience, kindness, attention, you are SUPER Thank you all!
Aygul Khasanova Irekovna

Iskhakov Farit Professor

Macht Sabina Rafik
Hello! I would like to thank Rustem Maratovich, to say that this
doctor really from nature. Sensitive, caring and knows his business.
Cases had a cataract operation, everything went very well and I see
everything in bright colors, and most importantly accurately!!! He not
only skillfully conducted the operation, but also helped with the
selection of the lens, so I see far away and read without glasses,and
the price of those lenses that give a single result, or to see far or
near! Not enough scrapping my gratitude, but thank you very much! Good
health to you health, prosperity and achievement of new horizons in
your work! Success always in all your endeavors You and Your team
Kurdyumov Irina Sergeevna
Hello! I sincerely Express my gratitude for the cataract operation on
18 January 2017. The operation was conducted Orenburkina Olga
Ivanovna. Great responsive Professional great expert in their field!
Olga is an excellent specialist and a wonderful person! Attitude to
patients sensitive attentive, during the operation very well supported
spoke. A huge thank you to Orenburkina Olga Ivanovna, Ufa research
Institute of eye diseases of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic
of Bashkortostan! Good health, professional success, hats off to You!
The Patient Kurdyumov Irina.
Nasyrov Aliya Maratovna

Family Zotovich and Vasievich

Tsybysheva, the village of Karlykhanovo
Dear Azat Mukhametdinova!Heartily congratulate You with happy New year
2017!Thank You for your professionalism, attentive and friendly
attitude to patients. After talking with You, life takes on a
different meaning - begin to believe in recovery. I wish You good
health, career growth, job satisfaction, grateful patients, well-being
in all areas of Your life. Let a favorite work, a decent salary and
love be with You always!
Bikbulatov A. K.

Malkova Ekaterina

Albina Zakirova Antonova (Baymak)
After years of working as an ophthalmologist in district hospital (in
my experience of fifty years) for medical reasons, is forced to turn
to you, dear Ufa colleagues. Frankly, it was uncomfortable at this age
to get to Ufa for five hundred kilometers on the winter road, but the
responsiveness, correctness and high professionalism of employees of
the Institute pushed to the margins and fatigue, and every doubt and
fear (so far without it, we are all human). I am grateful to the
nurses Nizalova Irina and Alena Karimova, Dr. Fanie Kalimullina
Novikovoj. So they expressed to me respect and were very sensitive,
now I absolutely scary to come back to College, already in operational
use. They are true medical professionals are always totally faithful
to the oath of Hippocrates. My opinion – such specialists, who bring
faith in their colleagues, a positive outcome of treatment, including
surgical intervention, should be encouraged. Dear Muharram
Muharemovic! On the eve of 2017, allow me to congratulate You and Your
team happy holidays. The health of each employee of the Institute for
and welfare. Let your patients leave you smiling with joy to see. Let
each operation is completed safely. Let the cohort experienced
professionals join promising young specialists, taking from them all
the best. Success always in all your endeavors You and Your team
Sincerely, a veteran of health A. Z. Antonova.
I want to Express my gratitude to the staff of the first microsurgical
Department of the Ufa Institute of Eye Diseases and personally doctor
Rashid Mohammad Zavdatovich for the cataract operation. With respect
to You, the patient Osintsev A. I.!!!
Ismagilova, Fauzia Musaevna

Harina Maria Petrovna

Andreeva Zilya Azatovna

Gorianova Iraida Yakovlevna
Gorianova Iraida Yakovlevna Kurgan region, settlement Yurgamysh. I
would like to Express my gratitude GU "Ufa research Institute of eye
diseases" of the Academy of Sciences RB, Ufa, and in particular the
doctor Bikbulatova Rustem Maratovich for the successful operation
carried out to them personally 30.09.2013 g. In the time I was
diagnosed with "Subtotal retinal detachment". In the city of Kurgan,
none of the experts could help me, just shrugged and said that there
will only help foreign medicine, either a miracle :"we Have no one to
help you". Despairing from what he heard, realizing that losing my
sight, I decided to appeal to all friends. One of them his name
Babitzin Vladimir Arici I was advised the clinic of eye diseases in
Ufa. Not dozhdavshis miracle, my husband and I went to Ufa, where,
after tests my health problems I diagnosed "Subtotal retinal
detachment", to cope with which was decided only one doctor -
Bikbulatov R. M. During the preparation for surgical treatment, I
pondered many things in my life, starting with my favorite kids, the
husband :" want, want, Want I shouted to myself, I want to see them
grow up and my grandchildren grow up, the youngest of them still do
not have a year." Why it happened to me, "shall Not God unkind! I want
to see, want to see before even with glasses!". In the ward from
patients I heard only the desire to get to a famous doctor for
treatment Bikbulatova, this time I am almost consoled. And then came
the day when everything will fall into place soy. Taking will in a
fist not holding back fear, I went on the operating table. Remember,
only a very bright light and the words Bikbulatova :"Everything will
be better, don't worry, put your trust in", these are the words and
hands of the Creator did his job. How I was scary and dark and here
eyes, beloved wife and mother. Now I suppose nothing, my grandchildren
grow and I see their first Topi Topi top, as did it perfectly. As time
passed, I went to the reception to the ophthalmologist of the Mound,
from what I have seen she told me:"it's a miracle, so to solder the
retina only in Japan", but alas, I disappointed her by her boasted
skill Bikbulatova to give hope and light in life. In my life caught
attentive, responsive, professional Rustem Maratovich – the doctor
from God!!!!! According to more such wonderful doctors. This man is a
fan of his work. Thanks again to this man, wish him health, success in
work, professional growth and a happy 2017!!!! With respect Gorianova
I. J. Kurgan.
Rogulina Love.
Addressed primarily after surgery on both eyes (glaucoma). The
operation was done in another city. The doctor examined naznachili
treatment. All explained in detail for my mother in ages it was so
important! Correct, discreet, courteous and humane Regina R., thank
You very much! We were just lucky we got to you!
Eugene Sabitova V.
The operation was done 15.02.2016. The doctor showed a high level of
professionalism and attention to my health after vision correction in
the clinic, which was successful. I feel great and see everything in a
new light. Thank You, Rustem Maratovich, for Your work! I wish You all
the best and that all Your surgeries were successful!
Ziganshin F. A.